Just Shapes & Beats (Digital)



„Just Shapes & Beats” is a chaotic co-op musical bullet-hell based on three simple things: avoid Shapes, move to the kick-ass Beats, and die, repeatedly. It’s a new spin on the SHMUP genre, adding a layer of cooperation that’s at the core of the game: because everything is better with friends. Play alone or with up to four players, local or online, through the game’s Story Mode or Challenge Runs.Gather up your squad and play up to 4 player co-op, drop-in drop-out, either all on your couch for a house party, or an online party!Dont have/like your friends? WE GOTCHU MY DUDES, make new or BETTER friends by playing a few quick online challenge runs. Let us pick your new best buds for the next hours; strangers are just friends you havent met yet.Kind of a lone wolf, back hurts from carrying people, would rather play with yourself? Do it, the game is just as fun, just a different experience waiting for you; aint nobody judging here yo.

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