Football Manager 2010 (Digital)



A brand new data editor. Not only has the functionality and ease of editing data improved, we are also proud to announce that you can now add competitions and extra levels for leagues currently in the game, and add completely new competitions and leagues all via a very simple to use editor.Key featuresA subscription based newspaper. Get the news about the football world around you that you want, and not the news you don&t want.A new tactics module, making it much easier to make your team play as you want them to, with thousands of possible pre-set options, touchline shouts for easily changing things around, and instant changes. (the old system is still there for people who love their sliders).A new look to the game, and a new way of control – gone is the side menu, to be replaced by an easier to use tab system, with everything at your finger tips.A match analysis tool that shows you where shots, passes, crosses, headers, tackles, fouls and interceptions have happened for both sides, both live in game, and post match, allowing you to work out your, and your opponents, strengths and weaknesses.Improved AI, over 100 new animations in 3d mode, better lighting, improved pitch degradation, stadiums & crowds.

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